Rec 90 started up as an independent record-label in 1990.
The first release was a compilation-record called '1990', which contained a selection of some of the best underground-bands from the city of Bergen, Norway.
The following years Rec 90 released several more compilation-albums, such as 'Markeveien 4', ' `91' and '1992'. Two singles, Hybelknuserne and Wallpaper Express, were also released. Rec 90 had by now established themselves as an independent record-label, and started to sign band for releases. Alzheimer/Silverspurs '...og mysteriet med den glemte sangen' was released, followed by Fuzzsuckers 'Pride'. It was also time for another compilation-album, 'Flaming Youth - A Norwegian Tribute to KISS', which is one of the best Norwegian compilation-albums ever. It contains smashing cover versions of KISS classics such as 'Parasite', 'Shock Me', 'She', 'Strutter' plus 13 other tremendeously wellplayed KISSsongs. Performed by high-class artists Motorpsycho, DumDum Boys, Hedge Hog, Jungle Medics and Gartnerlosjen among others.
Butterfly Garden has been closely connected to Rec 90 since the beginning. At last, in the beginning of 1995, it was release of the Butterfly Garden debut-album, 'So it Goes'. It was promoted by the single 'Wrote Her A Letter'. The latest release from Rec 90 is the Norwegian noisepopband The Tubs. Their album is called 'Pow Pow Pilots', and is a brilliant combination of catchy poptunes and groovy metaltunes.
Rec 90 is also re-releasing their first album from 1993, 'The Tubs'. Check also out the compilation-single 'Rec 90 Sampler - Spring 1995'. Kontaktinformasjon
Rec 90
Besøksadresse: Nøstegt 50
Postadresse: Postboks 1291, 5811 Bergen
Telefon: 55 32 34 10
E-post: rec90@rec90.com
Kontaktperson: Torfinn Andersen
Mobil: 93202092
Web: http://www.rec90.com